How it began.

Her hands were always cold. And this particular night, they felt like they were dying. She had told him this and then held out her hand so that he could feel it for himself. It was a casual invitation that hid her sudden inexplicable desire to touch him. Later that night, he hid behind the same simple action to touch her cold fingers yet again.

The pavements were slick with rain and mirrored the tiny lights that only a city could hold; everyday mundane lights rendered magical by eyes that were glazed with adoration. She was freezing but her heart was racing and it kept her warm. Something electric and unnamed hung in the air between him and her.

They took shelter under a store porch as they waited for the sudden downpour to die. She could feel his eyes on her, could feel the thoughts shifting in his head as he was drawing up an opinion about her. It did not worry her. It was a strange and welcome reprieve. She was usually in a perpetual state of worry about one thing or the other.

She found herself unable to look at him as she struggled for words to say good night. He moved forward to hug her and she fell in to the embrace. As they withdrew from each other, her hair caught a little bit in his jacket and was slow to let go. So did her heart. Nothing had changed really but everything was different. She had silenced her heart and blindfolded her eyes for several years but every part of her was awake and alive now.

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